my daughter turned five and we decided the best thing for her (and our older cat) was a new little kitten. his name is t. rex, or rex for short (or sexy rexy if you prefer). my daughter named him after the dinosaur, as she is going through that phase where dinosaurs are AWESOME.
rex is a teeny tiny little nugget. when we took him to the vet for his first check up he weighed in at a whopping one pound, thirteen ounces. i attribute most of that weight to the pink eye, fleas, and kitty chest phlegm that all had to be treated by the vet.
it is so fun to have a kitten in the house. you forget how tiny they are! it also kicks your maternal instincts back into high gear, especially when said tiny kitten decides to barf in your bed and you automatically go to catch it in your hands. ahh, parenthood.
in case you hadn't guessed, rex was the subject for this sketch. his little kitten head is just ridiculously cute. i want to eat it. but not in a gross sort of way.
but, i digress...
sexy rexy, pencil, october 28th 2011