The concept was simple: friendship bracelets and a cute pun.
First of all I needed way too much embroidery floss. Lucky for me, you can get pretty much anything at Bonus: I didn't have to leave the house!
My initial hopes had been that my six-year-old daughter would be able to help me braid simple friendship bracelets. Unfortunately it was a bit too advanced for her little fingers, so instead she helped me pick out the color combinations for the boys and girls in her class. With the help of a great friend and some very bored teenagers at a Super Bowl party, we were able to create a ton of bracelets.
Next up was the actual Valentine portion. My husband has access to an Ellison machine at work so he was able to use construction paper and cut out perfect hearts.
My original plan was to hand write the verbage on the cards: Class would "knot" be the same without you. Happy Valentine's Day! Then I decided to print them instead. Basically I made a template in Word that had the sayong printed two times on a sheet of paper, spaced so that i could tape two hearts on each page. Then I simply used Scotch Tape to affix the hearts on top of the words and printed. Success!
I used an exacto knife to poke little x's on both sides of the card and then used the knife to help poke the knots of the bracelet through. Each kid signed their allotment of Valentines and then we were all set!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!