Monday, September 12, 2011

stay on the path...

i knew i wanted to draw this sketch as soon as i had finished my tremor-wormy one.  then it was simply a matter of finding the time to do so (easier said than done!). 

i would have to say that line drawing is my all time favorite.  in college i got to do some silverpoint, which is where you gesso some paper, then using a silver tipped pen, you draw.  over time the silver tarnishes and you can see the drawing.  awesome stuff.  this is another drawing that i would love to revisit in an etching studio.  maybe someday when i’m rich and famous i’ll build my own studio.

by the by, ignore the horrible quality of this photograph.  i need to start taking the pictures of my drawings with my actual camera, and not my crappy camera phone.  but at least there is photographic evidence of this sketch!
i call this one “stay on the path”.  

stay on the path, pencil, september 9th, 2011

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